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What are (Cytotec) abortion pills?

The abortion pill should not be confused with the morning after pill as it is intended for use within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy whereas the morning after pill should only be used within 3 to 5 days after intercourse. The abortion pill, Misoprostol, is an approved pregnancy termination method in South Africa

How does an Abortion Pill work?


Both abortion pills, mifepristone and misoprostol, are usually used in order to terminate a pregnancy. Mifepristone causes the embryo to detach from the uterus thereby cutting off essential nutrients and oxygen carried by the blood. Misoprostol is then taken two days later and triggers the evacuation of the embryo remnants through the vagina. This often appears as a heavy period.

Is the Abortion Pill safe?

Question posée le 21/09/2023

Par Christo

Département : Charente (16)

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